Pavel Durov said he is the father of more than 100 children in 12 countries

Pavel Durov

Recently, the founder of Telegram made a sensational statement: he is the biological father of more than a hundred children in 12 countries. Pavel Durov, a father of many children, instantly became the number 1 news item, this discovery raised many questions.

Pavel Durov, a father of many children: how it all began

Pavel Durov is known for his work in the field of technology and cryptocurrency. But his personal life has always remained under a veil of secrecy.

At one of the meetings with journalists, Durov shared that many years ago he decided to help people who want to have children by becoming a donor of biomaterial. His goal was to help couples who have difficulty conceiving, as well as single women who dream of becoming mothers.

International assistance

Durov admitted that over the years, his help has become in demand in different countries of the world, including the USA, Canada, Australia and several European countries. Each of his children was conceived using his biomaterial through official clinics and donor programs. Pavel made this decision consciously, understanding the importance of his contribution to the lives of many families.

Public reaction

After Durov’s statement, heated discussions began on the Internet. Many admired his altruism and willingness to help others. Some, however, expressed concern about the possible ethical and legal aspects of such a practice.

Personal position

Pavel Durov does not hide his pride in the fact that he was able to help so many people. He believes that his act is a way to make the world a better place. He contributes to the demographic problem and supports those who really need help. Durov also noted that all children conceived with his help grow up in loving families and receive a decent upbringing.

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Pavel Durov’s personality remains a mystery to many. On the one hand, he leads a modest and quiet lifestyle, on the other, he sometimes surprises everyone with his actions.


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